Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Rhinoceros, in danger of poaching

     According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, IUCN,  more than 800 rhinoceros has been illegally poached for three years in Africa. They said, it was the highest amount of rhinceros being killed in recent years.
     The reason why poachers try to hunt rhinoceros is because of their horns that act as a medicine, sexual enhancer and high-priced ornaments. Surprisingly, rhinoceros' horns are dealed with higher price than golds, which made more crime syndicates participate in poaching. This is becoming a serious issue as rhinoceros are endangered animals.
     Experts in IUCN stated, the prosecution should be more alarmed with protection of wild animals including rhinoceros. Also, they argued  to develop new devices to track animal poachers. If not, poachers getting organized will cause enormous amount of rhinoceros being poached.

오종한. `金`보다 비싼 뿔, 정력제..코뿔소 3년간 800마리 밀렵".May,2011. May 25, 2011)

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