England Daily mail showed that most of the cities like London, and Shanghai will sink
because of serious global warming in 2100. According to the report in US and Russia,
sea level will increase to approximately 1.6m as all icebergs in Greenland and Arctics melt.
The AMAP study predicts that the Arctic Ocean could disappear in summers in about
30 to 40 years.There are scientific explanation supporting this idea. As the amount of ice
and snow reduces, darker water or soil will be exposed in greater amount, which can cause
darker regions to absorb more heat from the sun, and warm up the region quickly. Also, it
says the warming of the Arctic has been twice as high as the world average since 1980.
Scientists are asking to be alarmed and cautious with the global warming as there are
clear signal of major cities being sink in few years.
David, Derbyshire. “Cities under threat as sea levels set to significantly rise by 2100 ".May,2011.http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1383226/Cities-threat-sea-levels-set-significantly-rise 2100.html#ixzz1LTwRRgV9(visited: May 11, 2011)
Hi, Kyle. Nice to meet you. Bye Bye.
wow , this is wonderful