Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Superstar K is back!

                                Superstar K is back!                                   

       Korea's number one audition program 'Superstar K' came back as a season 3 in August 12th, 2011.
'Superstar K' is the program that produced one of the famous singers like Seo in gook, John Park, Heo gak, Kang seung yoon, and Jang jae in. So far, season one and two of the Superstar K made great success , recording the highest viewing rate as a cable program. This season, Yoon jong shin, Lee sung chul, and Yoon mirae join the program as a final judge.
judges of the Superstar K. Yoon mirae, Lee sung chul, Yoon jong shin (from the left)

     In the first broadcast, there were some participants that drew netizens' interest. First person that hold people's attention was Choi aran who acted violently after being rejected by the judges. She sang with strange dance and sang with akward pronounciation which made judges laugh. Also, she was out of tune as she sang with powerful dance. However, after she failed to go to the next stage, she started to kick the panel of the program and cursed judges for rejecting her, which made netizens feel angry. Now, she is being issued as a swear woman.
Choi aran crying after the failure.

     Next person that people got interested was Choi young tae who got highly praised by the judges for his own song. He had appearance that recalled G-dragon who is the leader of the idol group, Bigbang. After he sang his own song, one of the judges mentioned that he has the highest star quality. Other judge added that he wants to buy the song that Choi made.
Choi young tae being praised.

     Also, there was a young girl that drew people's attention. Son yae lim, a 10 years old girl surprised judges and audience for having blues rhythm at a young age. Later, she was known to be the niece of famous musician, Son moo hyun.
Son yae lim singing infront of the judges.

     Superstar K recorded 9.9% of viewing rate after the first broadcast. Considering that most of the programs in cable channels record less than 1%, it is viewed as a innovative viewing rate that cable channel could achieve. People are paying this much attention to Korea's number one audition program, expecting to see the new star that Superstar K produce.

hyun jung, jung. "돌아온 슈퍼스타k3... 인기비결은."(online) August 15th, 2011. http://www.zdnet.co.kr/news/news_view.asp?artice_id=20110814174729&type=xml (visited: August 17th, 2011)

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

US Olympic medalist found dead

US Olympic medalist, Jeret Peterson found dead

Jeret 'Speedy' Peterson
Picture of Jeret Peterson

    Jeret Peterson, the medalist of freestyle skiing in 2010 Olympic, was found dead in Salt Lake city. He was famous for his trademark skill 'Hurricane jump' and gained nickname 'Speedy' Peterson. But, he was arrested on speeding and drink-driving charge. He had been bailed after being imprisoned in Hailey.
     Lieutenant Justin Hoyal, the spokesman for Unified Police of Greater Salt Lake, covered that he killed himself after the call to emergency dispatch that he is going to kill himself. Hoyal added that there was suicide note found in his house. However, police refused to reveal the content of the note.

     Fans and fellows of 'speedy' Peterson revealed regret that they lost the treasure of the country who has big talent on that field.

No name"Olympic skiing medallist Jeret 'Speedy' Peterson commits suicide."(online) July 27,2011.http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/winter_sports/14304963.stm (visited: July 27th)

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Hongik Ferari design win the first place!

                Hongik Ferari design is the best   !                 

     Hongik University team, including Kim jung joo, An dre and Lee sang seok, won the '2011 ferari world design contest' among 50 teams from all over the world. 'Hongik' was also rewarded a 'Autodesk design award' for using alias software (Car designing program) the best among these teams.

     The work of Hongik University team was 'eternita' with future oriented- roadster design that has sharp side line. This design was praised by the judges for having high quality and completion in design. Second winning team was Turin IED from Italy, and third was from 'London Royal College of Arts'.

     Lu ca de Monte gerolo, the president of ferari and the foreman of a jury, mentioned that there are posibilities for the winning designs to be applied as a real design of ferari. Plus. Students get chances to work as a intern in ferari styling center.

Sang ki, Han."홍대 페라리가 최고! 가장 멋진 페라리에 등극."(Online) July 20th, 2011.http://rpm9.etnews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=10803 (visited: July,2011)

Murderer sentenced a life imprisonment

Murderer sentenced a life imprisonment

     Kim jae ho , the chief prosecuting attorney sentenced a life imprisonment to the man (Lee) who killed innocent woman without a reason.
     The man said that he killed the woman just because she looked like his ex-wife who ran away from the house with his daughter. In July 2nd, he waited near an alley and attacked her back with a weapon and killed her.

Kim said that Lee does not seem to regret his action, and have possibilities of committing second conviction, so he needs to be isolated from the society.
Lee su min."묻지만 살인범 무기징역 처분".July,2011.http://biz.heraldm.com/common/Detail.jsp?newsMLId=20110720000030(visited: July 20,2011)

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Rhinoceros, in danger of poaching

     According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, IUCN,  more than 800 rhinoceros has been illegally poached for three years in Africa. They said, it was the highest amount of rhinceros being killed in recent years.
     The reason why poachers try to hunt rhinoceros is because of their horns that act as a medicine, sexual enhancer and high-priced ornaments. Surprisingly, rhinoceros' horns are dealed with higher price than golds, which made more crime syndicates participate in poaching. This is becoming a serious issue as rhinoceros are endangered animals.
     Experts in IUCN stated, the prosecution should be more alarmed with protection of wild animals including rhinoceros. Also, they argued  to develop new devices to track animal poachers. If not, poachers getting organized will cause enormous amount of rhinoceros being poached.

오종한. `金`보다 비싼 뿔, 정력제..코뿔소 3년간 800마리 밀렵".May,2011.http://news.mk.co.kr/newsRead.php?year=2011&no=190704(visited: May 25, 2011)

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

2100, sea levels threaten the cities

     2100, sea levels threaten the cities   

     England Daily mail showed that most of the cities like London, and Shanghai will sink
because of serious global warming in 2100. According to the report in US and Russia,
sea level will increase to approximately 1.6m as all icebergs in Greenland and Arctics melt.
     The AMAP study predicts that the Arctic Ocean could disappear in summers in about 
30 to 40 years.There are scientific explanation supporting this idea. As the amount of ice
and snow reduces, darker water or soil will be exposed in greater amount, which can cause
darker regions to absorb more heat from the sun, and warm up the region quickly. Also, it
says the warming of the Arctic has been twice as high as the world average since 1980.

     Quickening climate change in the Arctic including a thaw of Greenland's ice could raise world sea levels by up to 1.6 metres by 2100

     Scientists are asking to be alarmed and cautious with the global warming as there are 
clear signal of  major cities being sink in few years.

David, Derbyshire. “Cities under threat as sea levels set to significantly rise by 2100 ".May,2011.http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1383226/Cities-threat-sea-levels-set-significantly-rise 2100.html#ixzz1LTwRRgV9(visited: May 11, 2011)


Hi, Kyle. Nice to meet you. Bye Bye.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Office workers suffer depression

  Office workers suffer depression

   Office workers who suffer from company depression is increasing. According to the survey of employment portal site 'job Korea', 62.9% of  workers were suffering from company depression.

     Company depression is the symptom that makes workers inactive in company, but not in other places like houses. As there are no symtoms out in the company, it is not treated as a real depression, but it makes serious problems.
     According to 917 workers in the company, 87.8% answered that they get too much stress from excessive amount of works, company policies, irresponsible boss, and burden of making creative goods.
     This is regarded as a serious issue to the whole company of Korea. Research professor of  Yale university said, absence rate of  workers who had company depressionwas two times higher than others, and productivity loss was seven times higher.

     For these reasons, companies are introducing Employee assistance program called EAP which helps workers get rid of their stress. Experts say, companies should change their view dealing with workers' company depression, for the individuals, and also for the companies. They requested workers to make good habits and sleep well to control body temperature, secrete of hormone and autonomic nerve.

Eun joo, jung. “출근하기 싫어” 직장인 63% ‘회사 우울증". March,2011.http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=shm&sid1=102&oid=028&aid=0002087294(visited: March 30, 2011

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Audition syndrome sweeps across Korea

       Audition syndrome sweeps Korea

       These days, audition programs are hitting Korea TV channels like MBC, SBS, tvN, and Mnet. Starting from singers, audition programs are looking for talented actors, announcers, and even models.
        MBC is now broadcasting audition show called 'The great birth', and Mnet had already broadcasted two series of 'Super star K' and they are preparing for the third series of it. In addition, tvN is going to broadcast the show called 'Korea's got talent' which got motivated from the Britian show, 'Britian's got talent'. Plus, SBS is preparing for the show called, 'Audition of Miracle'.
        Critics of pop culture viewed that the reason why audition programs are getting popular in Korea is because of succession of Mnet audition program 'Super star K'. As audition program incites competition between participants, audience get interested into the competition that leads to success of the program. Also, as diverse people appear in the show, it can make the content of the program more interesting with various formats. Jung, the critic of pop culture, said, "The power that audition programs contain is so enormous. Audience will be able to enjoy various formats of audition."
       But, there are some worries about fairness of evaluation that some participants will get plus point with their appearance aside from the talent. There are worries about personal information being spread.
        As audition programs that were broadcasted so far made big hit, it is viewed that there are possibilities of other audition programs being made. People are also expecting fair and thrilling audition program that could dig up the verified and talented star. 

Dong je, Park. "‘오디션 프로그램’에 열광하는 진짜 속내는". March,2011.http://n.breaknews.com/sub_read.html?uid=164165&section=sc4(visited: March 22, 2011