Wednesday, 27 July 2011

US Olympic medalist found dead

US Olympic medalist, Jeret Peterson found dead

Jeret 'Speedy' Peterson
Picture of Jeret Peterson

    Jeret Peterson, the medalist of freestyle skiing in 2010 Olympic, was found dead in Salt Lake city. He was famous for his trademark skill 'Hurricane jump' and gained nickname 'Speedy' Peterson. But, he was arrested on speeding and drink-driving charge. He had been bailed after being imprisoned in Hailey.
     Lieutenant Justin Hoyal, the spokesman for Unified Police of Greater Salt Lake, covered that he killed himself after the call to emergency dispatch that he is going to kill himself. Hoyal added that there was suicide note found in his house. However, police refused to reveal the content of the note.

     Fans and fellows of 'speedy' Peterson revealed regret that they lost the treasure of the country who has big talent on that field.

No name"Olympic skiing medallist Jeret 'Speedy' Peterson commits suicide."(online) July 27,2011. (visited: July 27th)

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Hongik Ferari design win the first place!

                Hongik Ferari design is the best   !                 

     Hongik University team, including Kim jung joo, An dre and Lee sang seok, won the '2011 ferari world design contest' among 50 teams from all over the world. 'Hongik' was also rewarded a 'Autodesk design award' for using alias software (Car designing program) the best among these teams.

     The work of Hongik University team was 'eternita' with future oriented- roadster design that has sharp side line. This design was praised by the judges for having high quality and completion in design. Second winning team was Turin IED from Italy, and third was from 'London Royal College of Arts'.

     Lu ca de Monte gerolo, the president of ferari and the foreman of a jury, mentioned that there are posibilities for the winning designs to be applied as a real design of ferari. Plus. Students get chances to work as a intern in ferari styling center.

Sang ki, Han."홍대 페라리가 최고! 가장 멋진 페라리에 등극."(Online) July 20th, 2011. (visited: July,2011)

Murderer sentenced a life imprisonment

Murderer sentenced a life imprisonment

     Kim jae ho , the chief prosecuting attorney sentenced a life imprisonment to the man (Lee) who killed innocent woman without a reason.
     The man said that he killed the woman just because she looked like his ex-wife who ran away from the house with his daughter. In July 2nd, he waited near an alley and attacked her back with a weapon and killed her.

Kim said that Lee does not seem to regret his action, and have possibilities of committing second conviction, so he needs to be isolated from the society.
Lee su min."묻지만 살인범 무기징역 처분".July,2011. July 20,2011)